Source code for kindred.bionlpst

Importer for BioNLP Shared Task data

import os
import tempfile
import sys
import shutil
import six

import kindred

# Load the task information into this data structure
taskOptions = {}
bionlpstFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'bionlpst_files.txt')
with open(bionlpstFile,'r') as f:
	for line in f:
		if line.strip() != '':
			taskName,url,expectedFile,expectedSHA256 = line.strip().split('\t')
			taskOptions[taskName] = (url,expectedFile,expectedSHA256)

[docs]def listTasks(): """ List the names of the BioNLP Shared Task datasets that can be loaded. These values can be passed to the kindred.bionlpst.load function as the taskName argument :return: List of valid taskNames :rtype: str """ return sorted(list(taskOptions.keys()))
[docs]def load(taskName,ignoreEntities=[]): """ Download and load the corresponding corpus from the BioNLP Shared Task :param taskName: The name of the shared task to download (e.g. 'BioNLP-ST-2016_BB-event_train'). Use kindred.bionlpst.listTasks() to get a list of valid options :param ignoreEntities: A list of any entities that should be ignored during loading :type taskName: str :type ignoreEntities: list of str :return: The loaded corpus :rtype: kindred.Corpus """ global taskOptions tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() assert taskName in taskOptions.keys(), "%s not a valid option in %s" % (taskName, taskOptions.keys()) url,expectedFile,expectedSHA256 = taskOptions[taskName] filesToDownload = [(url,expectedFile,expectedSHA256)] expectedDir = expectedFile.replace('.zip','') try: kindred.utils._downloadFiles(filesToDownload,tempDir) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() shutil.rmtree(tempDir) six.reraise(*exc_info) mainDir = kindred.utils._findDir(expectedDir,tempDir) corpus = kindred.load(dataFormat='standoff',path=mainDir,ignoreEntities=ignoreEntities) shutil.rmtree(tempDir) return corpus